Now that the
door has energetically been closed on the Old Way, the established powers will
find it increasingly difficult to control and manipulate the populous. Those
individuals who continue to attempt to abuse and dominate whether out of fear
or an active desire for power will find they are no longer supported by the
blanket denial and collusion of collective. I predict over the next few years
there will be many more dramatic, shocking ‘falls from grace’ for those high
profile individuals and individuals who are abusing their power. Ordinary individuals
will also find it increasingly difficult to tolerate repression or abuse whether
within their personal relationships or in the outside world. As a result of
this awakening, there will be many more uprisings, riots, revolutions and a
general feeling of social unrest. But rather than fearing the chaos, we must
embrace it for the chains of collective
slavery must be broken if we are to find a way to build a peaceful, egalitarian
future for humanity.
So what can
we personally do to help ‘bring in’ the New Age? Well there are many things we
can do, but it is useful to begin with setting
our intentions. While Solstice 2012 was about finally releasing ‘that which
no longer works’, Imbolc 2013 is about identifying what you want to manifest and
opening yourself to receive it. We
may want to focus our intentions on world peace, and this is a worthy cause.
However, world peace requires happy individuals and to achieve this we must turn
our thoughts toward inner peace.
Often we focus on all the chaos and pain ‘out there’ and forget that ‘out
there’ is simply a manifestation of what exists ‘in here’. Yes, we need to be aware of
what goes on in the world and to contribute to making a difference in whatever
way we can. However, if we fixate on the state of the world instead of looking
within we will be frustrated in our efforts because ultimately we only have power over ourselves.
to trying to fix other people or circumstances ‘out there’ is often a
distraction from dealing with our own inner issues. If you feel unhappy,
scared, lost, confused or uncomfortable being alone (with no distractions), I
highly recommend that you make healing your own inner state of being your No.1
priority and trust that world peace will be the eventual natural outcome of
this. The pain, abuse and suffering that we would all like to see come to an
end stems from inner conflict and
disconnection from Source. As Ghandi said ‘Be the change you want to see’ – and
to do this you will need a strong, positive, loving relationship with your
It is often much harder to look within than it is to focus on the outside world because of how we are taught to behave as children. It
is the job of our caregivers to teach us how to be responsible in our
actions while remaining true to ourselves. When we are taught to blindly ‘do as we are told’ for their reward or approval rather than to find a responsible way to be true to ourselves, we develop a codependent approach to life – we learn to live
our lives through others. In this
codependent state we must please, placate, manipulate and control to get our
needs met, because we have not developed the skills or awareness to relate to and
nurture our inner selves directly. In severely codependent states, we are so
removed from our inner selves that we are really do not know who we are, how we
feel or what we need except in relation to other people. This extremely
frightening and powerless existence creates the compulsion to control and
manipulate others in an attempt to make ourselves feel better. Give someone
with no ability to know, love and care for themselves political or corporate power
and they will take their inner battle for control onto the world stage. This is how wars start.
While we cannot change the unstable, egocentric individuals
who are in power, we can change ourselves.
And when we change ourselves we automatically
show others what must be done to heal. As more people connect to their inner ‘authentic’
selves, we will naturally begin to choose leaders who mirror our personal
integrity. For this to happen we must STOP abusing ourselves on every level; we
must learn how to care for our bodies and minds and re-connect with our
emotional and spiritual selves. Self-care may seem ‘selfish’, but actually
people only become ‘selfish’ and egocentric when they don’t know how to meet
their own needs. Once we can lovingly care for ourselves, the need to control,
manipulate or abuse others evaporates.
So, if you really
want to see love on a global level then make it your intention to lovingly care
for yourself, no matter what. If you
want to see world peace, then take time to heal the conflicts within your own
fractured psyche. If you want those in power to be more responsible, start
taking responsibility for your own neglected needs, whatever they may be. If
you want other people to start treating you better, then it is time to treat
yourself with more consideration and respect. If you want people to love you
more, then learn how to deeply and unconditionally love yourself. Whatever you
feel most attached to seeing change ‘out there’, whether in the larger world or
in the people you know is exactly what
you need to start giving to yourself.
And giving yourself what you need is exactly
how you will change the world, because a world full of happy self-caring
people is a world full of people who have so much more to give.
Want to celebrate
Imbolc 2013?
True Imbolc takes place whenever the Sun reaches 15 degrees Aquarius, which can occur on different
dates from year to year. Traditionally it is celebrated on the 2nd
of February but this year Imbolc actually takes place on the 3rd at 4.14pm
GMT. If you would like to do a ceremony to celebrate beginning of the New Great
Year and/or to ritualise your intentions, Sunday the 3rd would be
the best day. Imbolc is all about cleansing and renewal so a good place to
visit would be where there is naturally vibrant running water, preferably a
spring, waterfall or a lively bubbling brook. Lighting a fire is also an
important component of honouring the Goddess Brigit on Her special day. If you
want more information about how to celebrate or ritualise Imbolc, there is
plenty of information online. Whatever you decide to do on Sunday the 3rd, find
a way to open your heart to all the wonderful new possibilities of the Aquarian
Age and New Great Year. Enjoy!
Freja ♥